Two Cultures and Me

Kevin Kelley argues the conflicting framework between art and science are two cultures colliding. He articulates in his essay, The Third Culture, that "[t]he purpose of science is to pursue the truth of the universe [and] the aim of the arts is to express the human condition." The notion of truth and human condition can often work against one another but Kelley argues that the competing foundations have birthed a new culture that embraces the rigor of the scientific method and the arbitrary nature of the creative community.  This third culture can concern itself with the the dynamics of pop culture while use technology as a medium to engage it.  

For instance, back in 2014, the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival used hologram technology to "resurrect" one of hip hop's most influential figures, Tupac, for a "performance".  Hologram tech was not intended for this purpose but the third culture saw it's potential to be used in this manner.  Additionally, the internet has made artistic engagement easier than it has ever been before and has provided new tools to be used in a creative manner.  There are new subcategories to the art world that focuses on the digital techniques as opposed the traditional analog approach.  

Actually, I am hoping to be one of those digital artist.  I am a painter/stencil artist who is using Adobe Illustrator to map out stencils/concepts before making my first cut or brush stroke.  I am also taking up the Programming series at the UCLA Math Department to sharpen my mastery of the digital tools available to me.  Hopefully this approach works out. 


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